Saraki Nominated As IHRC Ambassador

The Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Dr. Bukola Saraki has been nominated as an "Ambassador at Large" of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC). And through his new capacity, it is expected of him to lead the diplomatic team of the IHRC in various diplomatic missions across the world.

The statement was read  on April 27th, 2019 from his media office in a letter dated on March 16th, 2019. While the senate President on April 10th, 2019 accepted the nomination of the commission as he expressed his appreciation to the IHRC for his nomination.

By Bliss Anthony

Saraki Nominated As IHRC Ambassador Saraki Nominated As IHRC Ambassador Reviewed by Ultimate Hypermediass on 4/28/2019 01:32:00 pm Rating: 5

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